interaction with the piece in laser cut acrylic
collage, exploring scale-stories
interior detail of the acrylic piece (1)
interior detail of the acrylic piece (2)
interior detail of the acrylic piece (3)
‘Every corner in a house, every angle in a room, every inch of secluded space in which we like to hide, or withdraw into ourselves, is a symbol of solitude for the imagination; that is to say, it is the germ of a room, or of a house.’ *
Regardless of its size and scale, for me space remains space. I have explored the potential of small intricate spaces to trigger new scenarios, and as places for the mind to evade. Smallness resonates with preciousness, the dimensions of my spaces invite the viewer to come closer, enter with the eye and the mind and let stories unfold.
My work investigates the importance of some degree of intricacy and details in interiors. It questions the notion of scale in architecture and leaves room for imagination.
*Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space
“Every corner in a house, every angle in a room, every inch of secluded space in which we like to hide, or withdraw into ourselves, is a symbol of solitude for the imagination; that is to say, it is the germ of a room, or of a house.” *
För mig förblir rum rum oavsett storlek eller skala. Jag har undersökt potentialen hos små intrikata utrymmen dels för sinnet att förflyttas till, men också för att skapa nya scener eller scenarier. Det lilla harmonierar med det värdefulla, dimensionen av mina rum bjuder in till att komma nära, att vandra in i rummet med ögat och sinnet och låta berättelser träda fram.
I mitt examensarbete har jag undersökt betydelsen av intrikata delar och detaljrikedom i interiörer. Det ifrågasätter begreppet skala inom arkitekturen och lämnar rumslighet till fantasin.
* Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space